
All orders are processed within a few hours and up to 2 business days (excluding holidays) after receiving your order confirmation email. You will receive another notification when your order has shipped. Processing times can sometimes take longer than usual if we are experiencing higher than anticipated order volumes.

If the shipping address you provided at the time of checkout contains errors or is marked invalid by our system, you can expect processing times to be prolonged. Please triple check your shipping address to avoid shipping delays. 

We are not responsible for lost packages due to incorrect shipping addresses provided at the time of checkout. 


Estimated shipping delivery times:
USA: 10-20 business days


Order never arrived:

If your order didn't end up arriving, be sure to let us know! 

First check your shipping confirmation and check that you had entered the correct address. If the address was incorrect, though we'd be happy to send you another order to the correct address, it will have to be at your cost.

If the shipping address was correct, get in touch with us at noting your order number. We'll see what can be done.